Permaculture blogs coming soon, stay tuned

While challenges certainly exist, the potential rewards - a more sustainable, resilient, and harmonious world - make the pursuit of mainstream permaculture governance not only desirable but essential.

Relying solely on tourism can lead to seasonal fluctuations, vulnerability to external factors, increased dependence on imported foods, and shifts in land use that threaten traditional agriculture.

Tool libraries and construction leftovers depots are integral elements in a holistic permaculture design.

  Argentinian pioneer Óscar Perone developed a method based on the observation of undisturbed bees, particularly the size of the space choosen by bees and the way the nest "travels" through the combs they build themselves in that space as the seasons come and go.

Overall, organizing a permaculture network creates a supportive community that fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective action towards creating sustainable and resilient systems. It amplifies the impact of individual efforts, promotes learning, and inspires positive change on a larger scale.

An Unforgettable Beehive Splitting Adventure in the Costa Rican Mountains