It isn’t about reinventing the wheel—it’s about noticing the wheels already spinning.
Emotions and Permaculture Connection.
Permaculture recognizes that everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent, and that humans are not separate from nature but a part of it. Similarly, emotions are not isolated experiences but are shaped by our relationships with other people and the world around us.
The “Smartening” of a Landscape
“It is in our powers to culture and to thrive within Smart Landscapes. Will it ever be our mainstream intention?”
The Amazing Story of Vinegar
… begins with the organic ability of sugar production. Plants produce, use and store sugars within their sap or juice or, converted into starch, to be deposited through their seeds,…
Hi Honey I Am Home!…
…. said the bee entering the hive. Bees love honey, so do very many other creatures, small and big, humans included. The relationship between humans and bees is ancient. Humans,…