It is a story as old as humanity, yet more vital today than ever before.
Pronoia & Permaculture Design: Letting Life Work With You
It isn’t about reinventing the wheel—it’s about noticing the wheels already spinning.
Cultivating Well-Being: How Permaculture Design Heals the Mind, Body, and Earth
Share your permaculture journey and inspire others to join the movement!
5 Surprising Permaculture Design Myths Still Holding You Back in 2025
What’s holding you back in 2025?😲
**The True Cost of Urban Living: Why Rural Freedom and Permaculture Make Sense**
In today’s fast-paced, hyper-urbanized world, the cost of living seems to rise with every passing year. If you’re living in a densely populated area, you’ve likely noticed that nearly everything…
Turning Waste into Gold: The Untapped Potential of Urine as a Fertilizer in Permaculture
Urine is a powerhouse fertilizer, and it’s time we break the taboo and start seeing it for what it truly is—a valuable, readily available, and sustainable resource.
The Illusion of Plenty: Why the Tourist Economy is Not Food Secure
Relying solely on tourism can lead to seasonal fluctuations, vulnerability to external factors, increased dependence on imported foods, and shifts in land use that threaten traditional agriculture.
Embracing Tool Libraries and Construction Leftovers Depots in Permaculture Design
Tool libraries and construction leftovers depots are integral elements in a holistic permaculture design.
Why to Organize a Permaculture Network?
Organizing a permaculture network can have many benefits for individuals and communities interested in sustainable agriculture and ecological design.
Can We Parallel Insect & Mammal Societies?
Both bees and mammals have social hierarchies, with individuals occupying different roles and positions based on factors such as age, size, and reproductive status.
Eat It or Build with It. Dendrocalamus Asper Is None Invasive Specie.
Its versatility, sustainability, and nutritional benefits make it an exciting area of study for researchers and food enthusiasts alike.
Permaculture Network Outcomes
Permaculture networks can have various outcomes depending on their goals and focus areas. Here are some examples of potential outcomes: Increased access to locally-grown food: Permaculture networks often focus on…
Permaculture Is to Replace What?
Unsustainable practices have significant negative impacts on the environment, human health, and social and economic systems.
Permaculture & Collective Unconscious
Permaculture and collective unconscious intersect through the emphasis on interconnectedness…
Permaculture & Meaningfulness
When we work together in this way, we create a sense of shared purpose and meaning that is deeply fulfilling.
Is Being Sustainable Same As Voting for Peace?
Therefore, promoting sustainability is an important way to prevent conflicts and promote peace.
Excited to Grow Tropical Lettuce?
Tropical lettuce varieties are better adapted to hot and humid climates.
Permaculture Cities Exist.
there are cities that have implemented permaculture principles in their urban planning and design.
Environmental grief
Yes, people can experience grief and other intense emotional reactions when they witness environmental destruction.
Emotions and Permaculture Connection.
Permaculture recognizes that everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent, and that humans are not separate from nature but a part of it. Similarly, emotions are not isolated experiences but are shaped by our relationships with other people and the world around us.
What’s So Great about Fermentation?
fermentation is a versatile and ancient technique that offers numerous benefits
Costa Rica Celebrates Permaculture
International Permaculture Day is a significant event in Costa Rica
What Will You Celebrate The First Sunday of May?
mimic the patterns and relationships found in natural ecosystems
Why Should I Care Whether There Is a Forest If I Don’t Live in It?
forests provide important ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being
Three Reasons Why Permaculture Is Decentralized
Here are three reasons why permaculture is decentralized:
Who Can Use Permaculture?
Anyone can engage in permaculture design, regardless of age, background, or experience.
Permaculture Network Explained
The permaculture network is a decentralized and self-organizing system that operates at local, regional, and global scales.
What Is Permaculture Design Good for?
permaculture design as a means of community building….
La Muricata Farm Tour
Beyond Honey
Pulling this one off involved danger, pain, exertion and improvisation. Right out of our alley. Pick your challenge. So grateful for this one.
The “Smartening” of a Landscape
“It is in our powers to culture and to thrive within Smart Landscapes. Will it ever be our mainstream intention?”
The Electric Side of Pollination
“In response to the positive potential of the air, negative charge builds up on the surface of the flowers through a process known as electrostatic induction …”
The Amazing Story of Vinegar
… begins with the organic ability of sugar production. Plants produce, use and store sugars within their sap or juice or, converted into starch, to be deposited through their seeds,…
Hi Honey I Am Home!…
…. said the bee entering the hive. Bees love honey, so do very many other creatures, small and big, humans included. The relationship between humans and bees is ancient. Humans,…